The average American being EATS or Drinks SEVERAL TIMES in 24 hours. 24hrs X 5 is how long these people have gone WITHOUT clean FOOD or WATER.
One Hundred Twenty HOURS!
no food
no water
no shelter
no bed
no bath
no toothbrush
no toothpaste
no deoderant
no combs
no brushes
no clean dry clothing
no shoes
no diapers(child OR adult)
no pads for menstruation
no medicine
no phone
no electricity
no working toilets
pick any ONE of these that you are willing to do without for 24 hrs, let alone 120hrs.
just one.
Now picture your thirsty, hungry, dirty, smelly, homeless existance...
Go without knowing where the members of your family, friends, & neighbors are.
Better yet, replay in your minds, thier drowing in water, death by lack of food, death by lack of water, or by premature birth without hospital resources.
Look at your crying famished baby or young child and see them suffer from hunger.
Look at your ailing elders.
Think about the fact that you don't have transportaion to leave..
Now picture that your suffering is overshadowed by the criminal activity of others.
The entire place is a giant write-off. As far as those people saw, NO ONE WAS HELPING THEM. They didn't have a RADIO or TV to KNOW, remember? So perhaps, wrong as it is, those people who had NOTHING and saw NO HELP were thinking that they & others could survive from those goods. They saw NO Signs of HELP..
There were certainly people who were acting like fools, but judging pictures without context is not intelligent at all. It is VERY easy to see someone of African Decent doing something, and think of them more negatively. This is a fact. And I don't even want to get into the press and thier views of a "looter" v. a "finder. I hate race issues and I hope everything is resolved because clearly, reguardless of race, most people feel for the victims of Katrina.
Those heartless idiots who are targeting innocent people, should be shot. There have been stories of raping of women and children. I hope the rapists are shot as well. Those dupes of the devil are tormenting an ALREADY grief-stricken, delerious, scarred group of people.
This event was a test to see where humanity is, and an opportunity to show humanity.
For goodness sake, pass the test.
1 comment:
I liked this. Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday!
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